Monday, January 7, 2013


Not much is known about The Sky Father Zios, but we do know he was a god.

Zios was the creator of Mira and Jamaa. Zios is ratherly an unknown character in the game. He portrayed as the Zios Sun. Zios (or his statue) came back in Jamaa's Alpha video. He is "destroyed:" in the video, as he falls after the Phantoms zap him.

Zios appears to be quite important, for he seems to be on the carpet/rug in Chamber of knowledge, wall hangings around Jamaa, statue ruins (Lost Temple of Zios), and other places.

He also has items called the Zios Fountain (Mystery Emporium), Zios Mask (Epic Wonders), and a Wall hanging (currently unavaliable/beta)


  1. OMG! He's the statue thing thats in Zios!

  2. The lost temple of z I o s deserted buildings should be the temples.

  3. Zios was a king, not a god in my opinion. I think he was a eagle.
